My Workflow: Wunderlist and OneNote

I like making to-do lists, I just never get around to doing the tasks in the list. It’s even less manageable when you’re trying to keep track of day to day tasks as well as goals for the future.

Getting Things Done

I experimented with Getting Things Done back in 2009 using Evernote. The first few days were great, but I didn’t even make it to the end of the month before I gave up. I tried the GTD experiment with OneNote a few years later. The results were the same. I liked the concept of GTD, but my paperless versions kept running into road blocks.

OneNote and Wunderlist

I finally realized one app to rule them all was not right for me. I needed separation between the tasks, projects and goals. Having them all in one place either distracted me or overwhelmed me.

For the last few months I’ve been using OneNote purely for the projects and goals part of my organization, and Wunderlist for the tasks.

For my day to day tasks I consult Wunderlist. Tasks like recurring bills or timed events also only exist in Wunderlist.

My Wunderlist tasks are always limited to a few items for any given week and keep shrinking as I complete the tasks. My OneNote pages keep growing as I have more goals and projects. You could do both in the same app, but having this separation greatly helped me get things done.

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